In Japan, it is called “Toshikoshi Soba”. “Toshikoshi” means year-crossing. As its name suggests, people eat it at the end of year in Japan. There are some cultural meaning to eat it at the end of year. Discover the history and meaning below.
It is said that the custom of Year-crossing soba soba has started in the Edo period (1603-1867). According to the lunar calendar, which determines the calendar according to the phases of the moon, the thirtieth day after the moon goes into hiding was called “Misoka” (the last day of the year). The custom of eating soba on this day to break off bad karma and welcome the new month in a good mood at the end of each month was born as a way to carry on the good luck of the month.
In those days, eating soba at the end of each month was not only a way to get rid of bad karma, but was also adopted as a custom to improve one’s daily life by reflecting on one’s actions and life, setting goals for the following month, and resetting one’s mind by being aware of milestones.
However, with the change from the old calendar to the new calendar during the Meiji period (1868-1912), the custom of eating the Soba every thirtieth day was gradually lost, but only on “New Year’s Eve,” the last day of the year in December, it is still carried on today as Year-Crossing Soba.
Discover the meanings to eat it at the end of year. It is said that there are 4 meanings mainly.
The most famous meaning is that since soba noodles are easier to cut than other noodles, people eat soba in the hope that they will cut off the bad luck and hardships of the year and not carry them over to the next year.
Since soba is a long, thin noodle, it is said that the meaning of eating it is to pray for prolonging your life and longevity.
Buckwheat, the raw material of soba, is said to be eaten to pray for good health, as the buckwheat seeds, which are used to make soba, are restored to health as soon as they are exposed to sunlight on a sunny day after being battered by heavy rain and wind.
In the old days, goldsmiths collected gold and silver powder by making dumplings of buckwheat flour, attaching gold or silver powder to the dumplings, and then putting the dumplings in water to dissolve the buckwheat flour. Because of the story, it is said that eating the soba help increase your money luck.
If you wanna know more about Japanese soup stock, check out this blog!
Have you discovered the history and meanings of eating Year-crossing soba? Why not take this opportunity to eat Year-crossing soba and have a wonderful New year from now on!
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